What to do in New York in February 2025
Highlight of the month
Eric’s tips
New York in February is relatively cheap due to the low season. Travel in February and take advantage of shorter lines. It’s the perfect month for snow! View all events per day below.
Monthly events in New York in February 2025
Visit one of the many wonderful Broadway musicals in New York.
Choose from the many venues and artists performing in New York.
Discover the best ice skating rinks in New York City.
Basketball is one of the sports in New York! Why not visit a New York Knicks game.
See the NY Rangers play in Madison Square Garden. Great atmosphere, tasty hotdogs!
Start time: 20:30 | Basketball | Starting at $642.00
Start time: 20:30 | Basketball | Starting at $411.00
Start time: 19:30 | Basketball | Starting at $66.00
Start time: 19:00 | Basketball | Starting at $282.00